
The DPChVE’s individuals are engaged in numerous collaborative research projects with public and private institutions within MU, in the Czech Republic and abroad. We could name only a few examples of


  1. Academics institutions: Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich (University of Education Lower Austria), Baden bei Wien (AT), VILNIUS TECH -Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT), Comenius University Bratislava(SK), DTI University in Dubnica and Váhom(SK), Charles University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Education), Palacký University Olomouc (Didactics of Chemistry), Brno University of Technology, University of West Bohemia (Faculty of Education), University of Hradec Králové, University of Pardubice, Czech Academy of Sciences-Institute of Botany, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Transport Research Centre (public research institution).

  2. Non-academics partnerships: Brno City Museum (experimental reconstruction of daguerreotype),

  3. Inter-faculty collaboration within MU: Intra-university collaboration is strongest with the Faculty of Science of MU through the personal connections. Dept. of Physical Electronics (fundamental and applied plasma research, Prof. Trunec group), Dept. of Chemistry (Prof. Havel, Dr. Hrdlička)

Students of DPChVE participate in the international student exchange programme ERASMUS.